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Propane Services

Propane is recovered from natural gas and crude oil refining. It serves as a safe and clean energy source for your home, farm, or business. Stored as a liquid it is easy to transport and can be used everywhere. Propane in its natural form is non-toxic, odorless, tasteless, colorless and flammable. 


Propane is used widely across the Midwest for home and commercial heating. Propane:


  • Is green energy

  • Burns more efficiently and evenly than other fuels

  • Gives you independence to easily switch suppliers should you need to


At Anglo American we deliver propane to residential and commercial properties. Our certified propane technicians are readily available and always happy to help. Call us at (218) 847-3333 or toll free at (800) 244-1315 and make the switch to propane today!


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